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How much can I claim for broken femur and collar bone as a passenger in a road traffic accident?


New Member
my friend has been in a car crash and would like to know a rough estimate of money he would be compensated for a non fault car accident.

He was a passenger in a car that was driving 60 mph which was 20 mph over the speed limit on the road he was travelling down, he was in the back middle and he was shouting to the driver to slow down before the collision.
The driver did not listen and smashed into another car, which was driving safely, it was a head on head collision with another driver.

The 3rd party has admitted liability and there is more then 3 witnesses as well and the driver is being done for dangerous driving by several other victims already.

He knows he can claim against the drivers insurance of the car he was in but don't know how much exactly he should be entitled to for his damages and injuries.

He was taken to hospital in an ambulance where the doctors told them they have snapped their femur bone and broken their collar bone and has bad pain all around the body, currently still in hospital and has had surgery and mentally unstable as well, frightened to get back into a car.

How much compensation could my friend claim in damages if he was to get a no win no fee solicitor to take his case?