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I would like to claim compensation for endangerment and exposure to asbestos from an old employer


New Member
I worked with asbestos a couple years ago with out any training and without proper Ppe is there anything I can do although I haven't yet developed any disease.

The management deffo knew the risks but they just put us in danger to meet their targets,
no health and safety where ever contacted, it was a site that the company was running so they kept it quiet instead of spending loads of extra money to dispose of it properly they just send us in to die.

I might be fatally ill with asbestosis in the long term I'm unaware of any current symptoms physically, I know it could be very severely affecting my breathing, but mentally I'm always a bit nervous going on to another building site in case I'm put in the same situation.

Can I get a legal expert solicitor to take my case on a no win no fee basis?

I am also worried that if I sue them and lose in court they could make a counter claim and take money off me.

Any help from Legal expert is appreciated